If developer performance was measured in number of characters written then maybe variable names would be more semantic.
Less than two weeks into the school year and we’ve already had our first Covid exposure notice. So far the family i… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
When the most relaxing part of the day is hot-fixing a critical production bug.
Wondering if increased levels of stress are a natural part of leadership roles in companies. Do directors / vps app… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@BugsySailor @mackinacbridge @PureMichigan @GovWhitmer Isle Royale would be solid. Either en route via plane or from one of the fire towers.
On the @PolyworkHQ 🎉 - polywork.com/jacobemerick
RT @mspowahs: me: I wish I worked at a thriving and collaborative, design-led, remote-first company
calendar: you have seven meetings today… -
@passionsmynorth Yessssssssss
RT @FrogandToadbot: 'Tomorrow!' cried Toad. 'I will do it all tomorrow!'
RT @cassidoo: code, amirite
Imposter syndrome but for burnout.
When the kid chaotic energy comes through the mic into the work chaotic energy and all is chaos.
RT @Microsoft: Your brain needs breaks between meetings.
@StefanHayden still waiting for that sweet, sweet day that the vaccine will be available for kids.
They chose Shutterstock API! 😅 twitter.com/getpostman/sta…