RT @DynamicWebPaige: a coworker told me today that "teams should consider themselves as owning *problems, scenarios, or use cases*, not own…
There's something deeply pleasing about planning a new workout schedule, coming up with new ways to challenge onese… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
RT @sheer_shweta: Data for data's sake is plain dumb!!!
RT @TheRevAl:
RT @d_stepanovic: "We'll go faster if we don't pair/mob"
My laptop has decided that I can run Chrome or do Typescript development. Not both. :/
RT @cassidoo: console.log("what's going on?")
RT @lizandmollie:
RT @shanselman: I’m giving up for Lent
RT @rands: This poem is stunning. @TheAmandaGorman
New mask, who dis?
code is neat and everything but the satisfaction from fixing a sagging rv gate is :magnifique:
RT @freezydorito: react is bad because it uses javascript, which is also bad (stay with me here) because it’s a programming language for co…
RT @kvlly: Slack going down the first day back to work in 2021 is how we all feel about today